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  • Welcome to the Blaine County Sheriff's Office


    Integrity is the core value of the Sheriffs Office that symbolizes the level of detail, trust, and dedication present within the agency, which is crucial to operational success as a vital aspect of the Blaine County Sheriffs Office. Integrity by definition is doing what is right regardless of who is around or what it entails.



    Honesty is required in order for the Blaine County Sheriffs Office, to operate and continuously attain the reputation of being an impartial, detail oriented, and fact driven agency. As the expectation is placed on the agency, the same is expected of every member serving within. Honesty is crucial to maintain a healthy relationship with peers, supervisors, and to maintain credibility in both the capacity of a law enforcement officer and within a court of law.



    Trust is the final but yet ever so crucial value within the Blaine County Sheriffs Office. Without trust there is no credibility, there is no relationship with either your peers, supervisors, or the public. Without trust the deputies within this agency are nothing thus resulting in this agency amounting to nothing. Trust is obtained and attained so long as the other core calues are maintained and attained, if one is not, then trust is not as well.


    BCSO Collage.png

  • BCSO LOGO.png

  • Recruitment Status

    General Recruitment: OPEN

    Department Transfers: 

  • Available Subdivisions

    K9 Division

    Criminal Investigations Division

    MotorBike Unit

    Game Warden Division

    Air Support Units

  • Administration

    Sheriff: @Joshua K. 3C-1
    Undersheriff: Vacant
    Assistant Sheriff: Vacant

    Colonel: @Silas D. 3C-4
    Major: Vacant
    Commander: Vacant
    Senior Staff

    Master Sergeant
    Staff Sergeant

    Staff In Training


    Senior Deputy
    Deputy II
    Deputy I
    Probationary Deputy

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