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  4. Florida got the best gas stations Wawa and Circle K and we got Publix

    1. Tyler A. 5D-353

      Tyler A. 5D-353

      Publix is really cool i went once XD


  5. Best Gas Station in the US is handsdown Kwik Trip

  6. I'm That Guy

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tyler W. 5S-5

      Tyler W. 5S-5

      Nah you aint that guy

    3. Matt S. 7R-50

      Matt S. 7R-50

      I am tho everyone knows that...

    4. Matt S. 7R-50

      Matt S. 7R-50

      You wish you was that guy.

  7. Earlier
  8.  Media is life 🙂 

  9. Nothing like a proper British tuna and beans spud am i right💀

    1. Tor F. 2L-6

      Tor F. 2L-6

      only wankers eat that. spam on toast is where its at. 

  10. eating chicken burger, salmon, cheeps: cheddar; brie; blue, tuna, monster energy, red bull, corona, modellos, pizza, ketchup, mustard, mayo, steak, beef, lamb, celery, pringles, fries, bacon, duck, elk.


  11. Trying not to let work kill me

  12. Annoying Za, Please help me annoy Za!!!

  13. Life is a waste of time, Time is a waste of life, Get wasted all the time, and you'll have the time of your life.

  14. News Flash Za Is Not that Guy he is secretly a spy!

    1. Za A. 1A-1

      Za A. 1A-1



    2. Reese S. 4M-7

      Reese S. 4M-7

      Its okay you are the G but join civ they have it all

  15. You’re not that guy @Matt S. Civ-11

    1. Matt S. 7R-50

      Matt S. 7R-50

      I am that guy you just mad your not 💀

  16. News Flash Colton is a Potato. Join Civ or Leo 🙂

  17. Come on ladies, come on ladies. One pound fiiiish.

  18. One Pound Fish

    The One Pound Fish man: everyone's hooked, including Warners | London  Evening Standard

  19. Fish Paste 

  20. Its a beautiful day. 

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